If I take it all the way from the times when I was designing, producing, and selling my weekly magazines that my father was secretly copying for me at work; or the home-made snacks I was making in the morning to sell on the first school break; or the adventure races I was organising for kids from the neighbourhood, then I have been on an entrepreneurial journey since I was 8.
30 years later, I’m still on the journey, figuring out my next level. Cracking the code to living my next-level vision.
And I’ll never stop.
And I say it with absolute confidence.
There may be multiple adjustments, lessons-learning, and recalibrations… but I’m still shooting straight to the heart of my vision to compose a masterpiece of that vision.
If there is one thing I’ve learned from all of this so far, it is to mute doubt, judgment, criticism, and all the dissonant voices that oppose what you know is true and right, and instead, turn up the volume of the voice of truth that sounds like the symphony of your heart, let it play loud and vibrate through every cell of your being as you are creating your masterpiece.
You may not have entrepreneurial tendencies but I’m sure you have a vision and I’m sure there is a part of that vision that’s still in the making, and perhaps has been in the making for a while (maybe a longer while).
Don’t forget that it’s a journey. It may take multiple attempts, adjustments, lessons-learning, and recalibrations to build what you want before you ‘get it’ and create it.
So don’t quit the journey. Don’t quit creating the kind of life you want. The more you have to go through for it, the more you’ll savour it once you get to experience it.